Reason To Buy Chia Seeds

While some people may associate the idea of chia seeds more with chia pets than with food, these seeds pack a real nutritional punch and have a number of uses in the kitchen. You can buy chia seeds online, which may be the cheapest way to get them, but they're also available in the natural foods sections of many major grocery stores. Source of Concentrated Nutrition These tiny seeds are an excellent source of concentrated nutrition.

Some Show-Stopping Ideas For Your Summer Barbecue

Some of summer's best memories may be of the backyard barbecues and parties that bring family and friends together. Make your event a little different by doing something that will awe and surprise your guests. These summertime suggestions don't have to cost a lot of money and are simple to execute. Some summertime show-stoppers for your barbecue are: Create magic with dry ice. Visit a vendor like United City Ice Cube for dry ice to give your barbecue some flair.